Events That Took Place While I Wasn't Doing My Website | Samantha? | Some Stories | X-Rated! | GIFT SHOP!! | LINDSAY'S LOVERS | Extensive Bean Fun! | The Art of Straw Harvesting | Other Awesome Really Cool Sites | Tid-Bits | Yachin | Personal Dictionary Service | John Basedow | COUCH!! | Guest Book
Beans And Beans and Also Straws

"Beans aren't rough, they just pretend to be."- Jessie Underpants

Hello thereAs you can see, I have changed my website a wee bit, and it is quite lovely! If you have any suggestions or storie or anything email me at Have "fun"!

Welcome to the most awesome website ever!!!! HELLO THERE CHILDREN!! And welcome to my newly updated website! Harry Potter 5 came out, and I read it all on the day it came out. Yes, that's right. Quite a good book, although, not better than the fourth. (Which is not a bad thing as the fourth was the best yet. But the books usually got better as they went.) Well, anyway, I am very mad about who she killed...

Unknown Gem Type: tlx.bravenet.counter

Beans are wonderful and have lots of love. In fact, when you flatulate, beans are being expelled from your gluteus maximus region (more commonly known as 'buttocks') into the world spreading love to all. On this site we hope to inform you on all the love that beans bring as well as Straw Harvesting, Tater Tots, and the Personal Dictionary Service. Have fun and enjoy! Also, please check out the many fun and informative other pages such as John Basedow, Couch, and Lindsay's lovers. If you have a problem with my website or find it offensive in any way, please email my secratary at the address below. Thanks a bundle of twigs mixed with moss and small pebbles!!!

Please remember to check out the gift shop for some lovely merchandise!

An opossum is chuckling.

click here to email my personal complaints secretary! Please be honest!

Beans and Their Buddies
This picture courtesy of: Gracias!!! I heart beans!